Free MP3 Converter

This free MP3 Converter will help you to convert .mp3 files to WAV, M4A, OGG, FLAC, MIDI, WMA, OPUS, M4R, AAC, AIFF, MMF formats

How to convert MP3 files online

  • 1First, upload one or more MP3 files to the converter area.
  • 2Next, choose the format which you need to convert MP3 files and click the "Convert" button.
  • 3After the conversion is complete, you can download your audio files in the new format.
Free MP3 Converter

MP3 (MPEG-1 Audio Layer III)

MP3 is a popular lossy audio format. This allows you to maintain acceptable sound quality with small file size. For most users, this loss of sound quality is almost imperceptible, so the MP3 format quickly gained its popularity, allowing you to store more songs on compact digital devices such as smartphones and iPods. Its small size made it a perfect choice for sharing music online.
File type: Audio
File extension: .mp3
Developed by: Fraunhofer Society
Initial release: 1993


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