Convert Video to WAV

This free converter will allow you to quickly convert any video to WAV (Waveform Audio File Format) audio format.

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How to Convert Video to WAV Online

  • 1To start converting, select one or more videos on your computer or upload it via the link.
  • 2Then use the audio settings (Optional), click the "Convert" button, and wait for the conversion to complete.
  • 3Now you can download your .wav files individually or in a single archive.
Convert Video to WAV

WAV (Waveform Audio File Format)

WAVE or WAV is short for Wave Audio Format. This format was used primarily for storing music on CDs and was also one of the main audio formats in the Windows operating system. Usually, music in this format is saved without loss of quality. This provides excellent audio quality, but these files are quite heavy and take up too much device memory.
File type: Audio
File extension: .wav
Developed by: Microsoft & IBM
Initial release: 1991


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